「カード個別評価:Masters Edition 4」を編集中

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最新版 編集中の文章
90行: 90行:
*[[Acid Rain]]
*[[Acid Rain]]
*[[Copy Artifact]]
*[[Copy Artifact]]
*[[In the Eye of Chaos]]
*[[In the Eye of Chaos]]
98行: 99行:
*[[支配魔法/Control Magic]]
*[[支配魔法/Control Magic]]
*[[深海の怪物/Thing from the Deep]]
*[[深海の怪物/Thing from the Deep]]
*[[マハモティ・ジン/Mahamoti Djinn]]
*[[マハモティ・ジン/Mahamoti Djinn]]
136行: 136行:
*[[Demonic Hordes]]
*[[Demonic Hordes]]
*[[Demonic Tutor]]
*[[Guardian Beast]]
*[[Guardian Beast]]
*[[Minion of Tevesh Szat]]
*[[Minion of Tevesh Szat]]
*[[Word of Command]]
*[[Word of Command]]
*[[悪魔の教示者/Demonic Tutor]]
*[[圧倒的武力/Overwhelming Forces]]
*[[圧倒的武力/Overwhelming Forces]]
*[[漆黒のドラゴン/Ebon Dragon]]
*[[漆黒のドラゴン/Ebon Dragon]]
186行: 186行:
*[[Rock Hydra]]
*[[Rock Hydra]]
*[[Sedge Troll]]
*[[Sedge Troll]]
*[[Thunder Dragon]]
*[[Wheel of Fortune]]
*[[Wheel of Fortune]]
*[[雷のドラゴン/Thunder Dragon]]
*[[最後のチャンス/Last Chance]]
*[[最後のチャンス/Last Chance]]
*[[シヴ山のドラゴン/Shivan Dragon]]
*[[シヴ山のドラゴン/Shivan Dragon]]
229行: 229行:
*[[Drop of Honey]]
*[[Drop of Honey]]
*[[Scarwood Bandits]]
*[[Scarwood Bandits]]
*[[Wood Elemental]]
*[[Wood Elemental]]
*[[生きている大地/Living Lands]]
*[[生きている大地/Living Lands]]
245行: 245行:
*[[エイスサーの滑空機/Aesthir Glider]]
*[[Aesthir Glider]]
*[[Clockwork Swarm]]
*[[Clockwork Swarm]]
*[[Ebony Rhino]]
*[[Ebony Rhino]]
267行: 267行:
*[[Basalt Monolith]]
*[[Celestial Sword]]
*[[Celestial Sword]]
*[[Clockwork Gnomes]]
*[[Clockwork Gnomes]]
277行: 278行:
*[[機械仕掛けの鳥/Clockwork Avian]]
*[[機械仕掛けの鳥/Clockwork Avian]]
*[[玄武岩のモノリス/Basalt Monolith]]
*[[氷の干渉器/Icy Manipulator]]
*[[氷の干渉器/Icy Manipulator]]
*[[鼓膜破りの角笛/Horn of Deafening]]
*[[鼓膜破りの角笛/Horn of Deafening]]
301行: 301行:
*[[Naked Singularity]]
*[[Naked Singularity]]
*[[Ring of Renewal]]
*[[Ring of Renewal]]
*[[Sol Ring]]
*[[Time Vault]]
*[[Time Vault]]
*[[Urza's Miter]]
*[[Urza's Miter]]
311行: 312行:
*[[三畳紀の卵/Triassic Egg]]
*[[三畳紀の卵/Triassic Egg]]
*[[スレイマンの壺/Bottle of Suleiman]]
*[[スレイマンの壺/Bottle of Suleiman]]
*[[太陽の指輪/Sol Ring]]
*[[翡翠のモノリス/Jade Monolith]]
*[[翡翠のモノリス/Jade Monolith]]
332行: 332行:
*[[Library of Alexandria]]
*[[Library of Alexandria]]
*[[Maze of Ith]]
*[[Mishra's Workshop]]
*[[Mishra's Workshop]]
341行: 342行:
*[[Underground Sea]]
*[[Underground Sea]]
*[[Volcanic Island]]
*[[Volcanic Island]]
*[[イス卿の迷路/Maze of Ith]]
*[[真鍮の都/City of Brass]]
*[[真鍮の都/City of Brass]]
*[[露天鉱床/Strip Mine]]
*[[露天鉱床/Strip Mine]]

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