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最新版 編集中の文章
20行: 20行:
*レイアウトの都合上、[[レア]]以上のカードであっても[[拡張アート# 拡張アート (カード枠)|拡張アート]]版が存在しない。
44行: 43行:
<!-- {{#CR:{{その他のルールのCR番号}}}}-->
<!-- {{#CR:{{その他のルールのCR番号}}}}-->
==引用:総合ルール 20240308.0==
'''日本語版総合ルールおよびmjmjが未対応のため、[https://magic.wizards.com/en/rules 英語版総合ルール]より引用'''
;719. Case Cards
:Each Case card’s illustration is vertically oriented on the left side of the card, and its type line is along the bottom of the card.
:The Case frame has no additional rules meaning.
:Case cards have two special keyword abilities that appear before a long dash and represent a triggered ability and an ability that may be static, triggered, or activated.
:“To solve — [Condition]” means “At the beginning of your end step, if [condition] and this Case is not solved, this Case becomes solved.”
:Solved is a designation a permanent can have. It has no rules meaning other than to act as a marker that spells and abilities can identify. Once a permanent becomes solved, it stays solved until it leaves the battlefield. The solved designation is neither an ability nor part of the permanent’s copiable values.
:If a Case has the solved designation, “Solved — [Ability text]” is an ability that may affect the game if it’s a static ability, it may trigger if it’s a triggered ability, and it can be activated if it’s an activated ability. See rule 702.169, “Solved.”
;702.169. Solved
:Solved is a keyword ability found on Case cards. See rule 719, “Case Cards.” “Solved” is followed by ability text. Together, they represent a static ability, a triggered ability, or an activated ability.
:For a static ability, “Solved — [Ability text]” means “As long as this Case is solved, [ability text].”
:For a triggered ability, “Solved — [Ability text]” means “[Ability text]. This ability triggers only if this Case is solved.”
:For an activated ability, “Solved — [Ability text]” means “[Ability text]. Activate only if this Case is solved.”

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