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最新版 編集中の文章
1行: 1行:
===[[レジェンド (エキスパンション)|レジェンド]]===
8行: 8行:
*[[Crystalline Mox]]
*[[Crystalline Mox]]
15行: 15行:
*[[Mystic Interference]]
*[[Mystic Interference]]
*[[Sorcery Overload]]
*[[Sorcery Overload]]
*[[Cotton Djinn]]
*[[Cotton Djinn]]
*[[Hydro Djinn]]
*[[Hydro Djinn]]
21行: 21行:
*[[Rummy Djinn]]
*[[Rummy Djinn]]
*[[Slim Djinn]]
*[[Slim Djinn]]
*[[Life Syphon]]
*[[Life Syphon]]
*[[Send 'em Farming]]
*[[Send 'em Farming]]
*[[Smarty Pants]]
*[[Smarty Pants]]
*[[Squire Gnome]]
*[[Squire Gnome]]
*[[Aerobics Instructor]]
*[[Aerobics Instructor]]
*[[Bantam of the Opera]]
*[[Bantam of the Opera]]
67行: 67行:
*[[What the...?!]]
*[[What the...?!]]
*[[White Sale]]
*[[White Sale]]
*[[Hurkyl, Founder of Lat-Nam]]
*[[Lin Sivvi, Recruiter]]
*[[Talara, Batallion Leader]]
*[[Tahngarth of the Weatherlight]]
*[[Burley the Beast]]
*[[Eladamri, the Uniter]]
*[[Adom Capashen of Benalia]]
*[[Matoc, Lavamancer]]
*[[Pivlic, Reviving Imp]]
*[[Bruenna, Neurok Commander]]
*[[Marisi, the Tracker]]
*[[Rofellos, Voice of Yavimaya]]
*[[Blunk, Skullcracker]]
*[[Takara en-Dal]]
*[[Mother Yamazaki]]
*[[Gerrard, Hero and Martyr]]
*[[Neehan, Azorius Lawmaker]]
*[[Ashnod, the Uncaring]]
*[[Kyodai, Sister of Spirit]]
*[[Fate Reforger]]
*[[Channel the Old Ways]]
*[[Wretched Reaper]]
*[[Incubation Sphere]]
*[[Curse of Nazir]]
*[[Curse of Nazir]]
*[[Teferi's Domain]]
*[[Teferi's Domain]]
*[[Mind Theft]]
*[[Mind Theft]]
*[[Island+Fish Jasconius]]
*[[Nicol Bolas, Plains+Walker]]
[[Duelist]]の[[Extra Pulled]]。
[[Duelist]]の[[Extra Pulled]]。
*[[Amulet of Ignorance]]
*[[Amulet of Ignorance]]
156行: 119行:
*[[Barry's Land (playtest)|Barry's Land]]
*[[Barry's Land]]
*[[Library of Congress]]
*[[Library of Congress]]
*[[命取りのカモノハシ/Deadly Platypus]]
*[[怒り狂うケンタウルス/Raging Centaur]]
*[[選択肢の魔除け/Option Charm]]

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