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Orochi is big snake. Most popular orochi is Yamata-no-orochi(eight-headed orochi). Yamata-no-orochi have eight heads, like a hydra in Greek myth. Yamata-no-orochi is big as a mountain, it's eyes glow as a ground cherry.
Orochi is big snake. Most popular orochi is Yamata-no-orochi(eight-headed orochi). Yamata-no-orochi have eight heads, like a hydra in Greek myth. Yamata-no-orochi is big as a mountain, it's eyes glow as a ground cherry.
Yamata-no-orochi is killed by Susanowo, Japanese legend. At this time, he get a sword in the body of Yamata-no-orochi. This is the sword, one of three holy durables, Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi(Sword of the heaven of the clustering clouds). We think O-Kagachi is inspired from Yamata-no-orochi."Kagachi" is japanese old word. It means "ground cherry". so "O-Kagachi" means "giant ground cherry".
Yamata-no-orochi is killed by Susanowo, Japanese legend. At this time, he get a sword in the body of Yamata-no-orochi. This is the sword, one of three holy durables, Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi(Sword of the heaven of the clustering clouds). We think O-Kagachi is inspired from Yamata-no-orochi."Kagachi" is japanese old word. It means "ground cherry". so "O-kagachi" means "giant ground cherry".

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